In Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, an exciting game of twisted schemes and bloody combats inspired by the hit STARZ Original series, each player takes on the role of Dominus, head of a rising house in the ancient Roman city of Capua. Each house is competing for Influence to gain the favor of Rome. Through a combination of political schemes and glorious battles on the arena sands your house will rise in fame and stature. As Dominus, you have a variety of resources at your disposal. Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves run your household and earn gold. Gladiators compete to bring glory to themselves and influence to their Dominus.
1 Game Board
4 Gladiator figures
4 House cards
62 Market Deck cards
104 Intrigue Deck cards
148 tokens
9 Red Attack six-sided dice
9 Black Defense six-sided dice
8 Blue Speed six-sided dice
Players: 3-4
Game Length: 120+ minutes