Bring your Star Wars: Legion army to life with the Core Paint Set! With 18 essential colors - including two washes for adding rich depths of shading to your miniatures - for depicting the troopers and vehicles of both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, this paint set is a perfect entry point for the beginning miniatures painter. You'll also find two fine-tipped brushes in this set, both versatile enough to handle every step of painting, including base colors, detail, and highlights.
2 Paint Brushes
18 Paints
‣ Tusken Raider Tan
‣ Jundland Wastes
‣ Endor Green
‣ Bounty Hunter Yellow
‣ Endor Timber
‣ R2-D2 Blue
‣ Rebel Fatigues
‣ Blaster Bolt Red
‣ Blue Lightsaber
‣ Mimban Mud
‣ Sith Robes
‣ Consular White
‣ Sandtrooper Pauldron
‣ Jawa Robes
‣ Durasteel
‣ Astromech Silver
‣ Shadow Wash
‣ Strong Tone Wash
18 Paints
‣ Tusken Raider Tan
‣ Jundland Wastes
‣ Endor Green
‣ Bounty Hunter Yellow
‣ Endor Timber
‣ R2-D2 Blue
‣ Rebel Fatigues
‣ Blaster Bolt Red
‣ Blue Lightsaber
‣ Mimban Mud
‣ Sith Robes
‣ Consular White
‣ Sandtrooper Pauldron
‣ Jawa Robes
‣ Durasteel
‣ Astromech Silver
‣ Shadow Wash
‣ Strong Tone Wash