The 4th Corporate War's over and the big dogs have retreated to their corners to lick their wounds. That leaves everyone else to fend for themselves in a shattered world. And that's just fine, 'cause you've got interface plugs in your wrists, metal in your limbs, and chips in your skull. You're wired in, loaded with chrome, and ready to take it to the Edge.
There's a world full of opportunities out there. Maybe this time you can do more than save yourself. Maybe.
This Jumpstart Kit is the perfect introduction to the newest edition of the classic Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game.
2 Booklets
6 Customizable Characters
6 Cyberpunk-themed Dice (2 d10s, 4 d6s)
Maps & Standees
There's a world full of opportunities out there. Maybe this time you can do more than save yourself. Maybe.
This Jumpstart Kit is the perfect introduction to the newest edition of the classic Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game.
2 Booklets
6 Customizable Characters
6 Cyberpunk-themed Dice (2 d10s, 4 d6s)
Maps & Standees