There are some criminal investigations that require intelligence gathering, where the presence of a uniformed Judge brandishing a Lawgiver is not appropriate. For these activities the Justice Department has formed an undercover division known informally in the Department as the 'Wally Squad'. These Judges adopt civilian garb and move amongst the street life of Mega-City One always on the lookout for leads on criminal activity. If required, they will infiltrate gangs and criminal organisations on highly dangerous undercover missions. Activities like these are abhorrent to most Street Judges who tend to view their Wally Squad colleagues as necessary 'oddballs'.
Resin components.
3 Miniatures
‣ 1 Jack Point
‣ 1 Dirty Frank
‣ 1 Aimee Nixon
3 Round Plastic Bases (25mm)
1 Unit Card
3 Character Cards
2 Big Meg Cards: Face Change & Wally Squad