Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game with horrific and gothic overtones, in a dark, low fantasy setting
This Shadows of Esteren add-on, intended for Game Leaders, focuses on occultism. Who are the representatives of this strange science? How are they organized? What do they seek? Beside the mystical powers of the Demorthèn and of the priests of the Temple, is there another source of supernatural power? In exploring these questions, the Characters will face mysteries that may shake their innermost convictions!
Contents include:
- Occultism in Tri-Kazel
This introductory chapter is a complete overview of occultism in Tri-Kazel. Leaders will find many details about the skills of occultists, the forbidden arts of sorcerers, or the mysterious visionary powers of mediums. New Disciplines are introduced, as well as additional rules on sanity.
- The Circle of Emergence
The second chapter describes a characteristic occult organization: its modes of operation, its objectives, and its core members. Whether the Circle of Emergence is intended to become the PCs’ patron or their mortal enemy, this game aid is certain to be valuable for Leaders who wish to bring occultism to the forefront of their campaign.
- A Tidy Room
When a young girl from a low-class district, enchanting and beloved by all, disappears, the locals are in a commotion. Searches are quickly organized: people comb through vacant lots, back streets, and dumping grounds. Even the sewers and canals are explored over the course of several days... to no avail. “A Tidy Room” is a large scenario written by Iris that will confront the Player Characters with occult and supernatural dangers. It comes with many game aids, including a comprehensive description of the scenario’s locale: the Weavers’ District, a perfect setting for any game in an urban environment. Finally, two new creatures are included: the Bogeyman and the Diwelank.
- The Map of the Weavers' District
A colored map showing the district where the « A Tidy Room » adventure is set.
- A Set of Game Aid Sheets
A dozen of colored game aid sheets for the adventure, included in this supplement. Some Clue Cards and technical sheets which will allow Leaders and Players to optimize their gaming experience.