The death of Professor X in a freak time-travel accident resulted in a reality in which the world is ruled by the mutant despot Apocalypse. But not all mutants agree with Apocalypse’s rule, including a group of ragtag freedom fighters led by Xavier’s oldest friend, Magneto. Only united can the Amazing X-Men put an end to the Age of Apocalypse!
This expansion brings a whole new take on the X-Men. In a world ruled by Apocalypse and his cohorts, heroes like Beast have gone villainous, while villains like Magneto and Sabretooth form the heroic resistance, joined by new X-Men Heroes. The Age of Apocalypse brings complex new challenges and unorthodox Heroes battling in an apocalyptic setting.
Kickstarter Exclusive Marvel United: Multiverse Age of Apocalypse Expansion Board Game Expansion by CMON. Includes Kickstarter Exclusive Expansion. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
- 1 X-Man Game Piece
- 1 Morph Game Piece
- 1 Magneto (Age of Apocalypse) Game Piece
- 1 Sabretooth & Wildchild Game Piece
- 1 Apocalypse (Age of Apocalypse) Game Piece
- 1 Dark Beast Game Piece
- 1 Nemesis Game Piece
- 16 X-Man Hero Cards
- 12 Morph Hero Cards
- 12 Magneto (Age of Apocalypse) Hero Cards
- 12 Sabretooth & Wildchild Hero Cards
- 1 Equipment Card
- 1 Apocalypse (Age of Apocalypse) Villain Dashboard
- 12 Apocalypse (Age of Apocalypse) Master Plan Cards
- 7 Apocalypse (Age of Apocalypse) Threat Cards
- 1 Dark Beast Villain Dashboard
- 12 Dark Beast Master Plan Cards
- 6 Dark Beast Threat Cards
- 1 Nemesis Villain Dashboard
- 12 Nemesis Master Plan Cards
- 6 NemesisThreat Cards
- 1 Mission Card
- 4 Locations
Ages: 14+
Players: 1-7
Game Length: 40 minutes
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Marvel United Core Box or Marvel United: X-Men Core Box is required to play.