The Green Horde Crossover set brings all of the retail characters introduced in the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter campaign into Massive Darkness. It contains 64 cards converting 17 Heroes, 5 Mobs, 2 Agents, 7 Roaming Monsters, and 3 Familiars to use them in Massive Darkness. As this is not a Kickstarter Exclusive item, it does not include any of the Kickstarter Exclusive characters from the Zombicide: Green Horde campaign.
Please note that this Crossover set only contain the cards for these characters - the miniatures are NOT included.
‣ Asim
‣ Berin
‣ Johannes
‣ Megan
‣ Rolf
‣ Seli
‣ Katelyn
‣ Solveig
‣ Doran
‣ Kabral
‣ Kirag
‣ Thorg
‣ Tola
‣ Carol Black-Oak
‣ Cardinal Birmbauer
‣ Kendra
‣ Spellbones
27 Guard Cards
‣ 5 Orc Walkers
‣ 5 Goblin Runners
‣ 5 Spectral Walkers
‣ 5 Swarm of Ratz
‣ 5 Tainted Walkers
‣ 1 Grand Inquisitor Innsmouth
‣ 1 Orc Necromancer
7 Lesser Roaming Monster Cards
‣ Doom
‣ Gloom
‣ Faolan
‣ Orc Abomination
‣ Necromatic Dragon
‣ Tainted Abomination
‣ Lord of Skulls
7 Greater Roaming Monster Cards
‣ Doom
‣ Gloom
‣ Faolan
‣ Orc Abomination
‣ Necromatic Dragon
‣ Tainted Abomination
‣ Lord of Skulls
1 Starting Equipment Card
‣ Magog
5 Treasure Cards
‣ Vanadis
‣ Vatan
‣ Gog
‣ Seth
‣ Nucifer
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Massive Darkness is required to play.