The announcement of war has devastated families, shattered communities, and divided the world. An inseparable group of friends has promised to both remain together and come home together. However, each passing day only brings more bad news. The trenches have become the group's new home. But despite everything, they have remained united. And now, rumors of an Armistice give them hope...Will these brave friends survive the devastating effects of the Great War?
The Grizzled: Armistice Edition transports you into the daily lives of a group of Grizzled soldiers trying to survive in the trenches. This special edition provides a new immersive Campaign Mode, made up of a series of unique and intense Chapters where you must confront the major events of World War I. However, the 211 cards include in this edition allow you to play both the original version of The Grizzled and the At Your Orders! expansion, with or without the new features introduced in this edition.
6 Pre-painted Grizzled Miniatures
1 Recruit Token
211 Cards
40 Tokens
13 Dividing Tabs
4 Player Aids
Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 45 minutes per chapter